Friday, March 19, 2010

Doems are Poems

Dome Raising Party!!
Come by and say hi and see what we've been up to...
We will be having a Snack Potluck from 2- 6pm BYOB!
Bushwick Project for the Arts
304 Meserole St.

The struts are almost ready for assemblage, today I will color code them to make it easier to assemble.

Yesterday David and I bent the struts to the proper angles with a handy little box ....

We ran into a minor problem today. Our heat welder, the Audion Sealmaster 580, doesn't work.
Anyone out there an electronics whiz? Anyone HAVE a heat welder they'd let us borrow for a month? This is muy importante.

we especially need a photographer to come tomorrow to document the entire build.

We need your money to do this project! Please donate today!!

1 comment:

  1. Ok I know we are all pretty broke. But so far I've gotten ONE donation on paypal. I see that alot of people are reading this blog, maybe some of you can click on that buy now button and buy some now.
