
The following is a list of Orphanages Domes for Haiti built domes at in the year 2010.

Foyer des Orphalins d’Haiti
Address: Petite Place Cazaeu, Caradeux Rue Pierre Selmours,#20
Directress: Desamours Eynnette

Orphelinat Foyer Divin, Marin 40 Sibert, Impasse Fleury #3
Directress: Judy Hangels

Foyer Des Enfants Demanio de Haiti
Address: Bon Repos Rosoumbert #2 Schekima,
Port Au Prince, Haiti
Director: Henri Theard

The Upper Room
Address:Rozembert 2 Rue Ronyville 24
Port Au Prince, Haiti
Director: Jean Raymon

Eglise De Dieu. Fondation Rev. Serge Platel
 Les Enfants Demunis Haiti
Director: Rev. Serge Platel

 Ti Moun Se Moun
Fontamora 43A: Menose Tri La Belaire
Carrefore, Port Au Prince, Haiti
Directress: Madame Eidla Jean Baptiste

Fondation Antoine Robert Pour Les Demunis
48 Lathan Bon Repos
Croix-des-Bosquets, Haiti

Director: Dr. Roberts

Domes for Haiti crew pictured above
Lopi LaRoe pictured left

Finishing up dome build numbers 8 and 9 at the future home of a street kids orphanage in Bon Repose.

This is the final dome that was built in Jacmel at Pastor Joseph's Orphanage.